The Mom Spiral Podcast

4| Intuition is the missing piece to the power in your parenting + how to find it!

Jen Deck Season 1 Episode 5

Do you want to guess what I’m going to say… heal your nervous system!
Our intuition is the natural innate power we were given, as moms, for our children and for our parenting. 

The feeling of NOT going to bed every night with guilt, but knowing you're showing up how you want and know you can. You're able to give this to your kids now, so they can go through life fully in their truth and connected to their intuition. It's the most important thing we can be doing for our children. 

There is this profound connection and flow. When you are regulated, in your natural state, you are connected to it. You know exactly what is best to do for your child in that very moment. Without question or doubt or concern of doing it wrong or how you should be or how someone told you to. You don’t have this heavy expectation for yourself. You can simply be you with your child.

We have such a little window. Our babies are growing and it’s fast.  And without this insight. We are missing that last piece of the puzzle, that will make it whole. 
Because when you are whole, you can raise your babies whole!


The LAST + ONLY thing you need to know about parenting!
8 part audio series. Listen in as I shine a light on all the places your nervous system shows up in your life and parenting.

Post any questions you have here! I love real life situations to highlight the nervous system and help you find real solutions, not band-aids.


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Episode FOUR . Welcome back. So I titled this episode, intuition is the Missing Piece to the Power in Your Parenting and how to Find it. Do you wanna guess what I'm going to say? , heal your nervous system. , I feel, because I don't think most of us know what true connection is to our bodies. And so we have this missing piece of really accessing our own truth and our intuition is the natural, innate power we were given as moms for our children and for our parent.

There weren't books or excessive information on this topic, , and I think the biggest factor actually comes from childhood and just life, like again, we're told and conditioned and marketed to look outside of ourselves. I know I say it all the time, but the core things I know now and want to share is that you need to create connection, safety, and awareness with yourself.

And when you have those in your. . It just opens up everything. When you can trust yourself and know that your body has the answers and exactly for you and knows what you need, this is the greatest school you can have as a parent, especially when you're able to stay regulated when you're in these moments of big emotions.
You can be that pillar for your kids and you know what to do for both of you. Again, it's just like a whole other level that I don't think we, unless you have access to your intuition as parents, we just don't know about, um, you know, you don't have to worry anymore about that script or if you're saying or doing the right thing.

I mean, first of all, we're humans and we were born with instincts for our survival. , we have this in us, we just let it go or have so much piled on top of it. And as mothers, you have that same motherly instinct. You have to tap back into that. And then all of the power and control you think you need is really that.

So now I wanna take you on a little journey because if you were like, . I didn't even know what was really possible. Like sure, I wanted to feel better and deal with less inconvenient behaviors. But when you know your truth and you can access that and function from that place, it's so empowering and you have this confidence.
and trust in yourself. I don't even know like a word yet because I wanna say pride, and I think that comes from knowing how it feels before. But yeah, it's just power. And then knowing that that power comes from me. All right, so I want you to think of a time when you were laughing with your kids. So yeah, just take a moment,
this is when I would get glimpses of it. It's like time would stop and I was actually present even kind of an out of body experience, , because I, I'd see myself like, oh, who's that fun mom? And then I'd see my girls and I'd be like, okay, everyone freezes, like, how can I hold on to. How can I stay here? And it's hard because most of us don't even know what it's like to feel good or to stay in that energy, and that's your nervous system.

Even like the first week when you actually learn how your body works and what it's doing, the foundational stuff, just that awareness piece can shift so much. I think I could catch myself because it wasn't normal. Our relationships.  with our kids are like no other relationship ever. It's constant, excessive, and never ending, and that is the first shot to our system.

We have this fierce, unconditional love that makes us want to be an extreme perfectionist and do everything to make them happy, and we feel massive guilt every night.  if we haven't accomplished that. Okay, so you're healing and growing and it starts happening more and more and you're having these glimpses or experiences more.

I was impressed with myself,  and proud of myself. You start seeing the change in your interactions and actually feeling the difference. Um, it was like, you know, look at me, I'm doing. I'm showing up like I want to, I would like wanna brag like Chris. Guess what happened today when we danced into Whole Foods and I did this funny thing and then it really changes.

I think no matter what your days are like, every mom gets this when you can go to bed and not feel guilt, you're doing. , you're fully showing up day after day, you're doing enough. And again, it was like this weird unknown place for me. I was like, wait a, wait a minute. What is this feeling?  I, I don't feel guilty.

Then what do I feel? Again, it's kind of hard to describe or put into words, but you go to bed full of gratitude and content. That the magnitude of the moments you can now remember from your day that were good just fills your body, and then there is this profound connection and flow. It becomes what it was always supposed to be, that we somehow got disconnected and conditioned away.

But we were made moms and given the power of a deep intuitive knowing when it comes to our kids, and when you are regulated in your natural state, you are connected to it. You know exactly what is best to do for your child in that very moment without question or doubt or concern of doing it wrong or how you should be or how someone told.

You aren't overwhelmed with all the approaches or styles, and you don't have this heavy expectation for yourself, you can simply be with your child. To me, that that's the best part, and that actually goes back to, again, the nervous system being healthy. Because I'm more connected than not, I'm able to be present.

I can just go with the flow, which was not my normal. And that is truly living, and it's your nervous system that keeps you there. You get to feel good. They get to feel good, and they get to get all the things they need from you to not only be happy now, but to grow up in this energy and not learn coping mechanisms and to not have to be an adult that needs healing.

Because when you are whole, you can raise your baby's. It's such a simple concept, knowing our bodies and is the missing piece to our joy. We have such a little window. Our babies are growing and it's fast, and without this insight, we are missing that last piece of the puzzle that will make it whole. All right, so I hope that this created a space for you to feel into this a little.

and if anything, a moment of relief for all that you've been through and feel right now because there is an explanation and a reason to know that those glimpses are when you are regulated and connected, and when you can further heal and understand your body, that can be your normal, that can be what fills you up and lets you show up as the mom.

You know, you want to. So that is just another benefit of healing your nervous system. That feeling, I think is really just what I want you all to understand is possible. . That's, I think like what the guilt is, you know, like that we're not doing our best, we're not doing good enough for them, and even as much as we love them, and even if we can show up and we're, you know, doing the fun things with them and, and they're.
uh, there's just this core piece that I missed and I had to heal, and it took this long to actually feel this way in my own body to know that I am giving them this gift now and to live their whole lives from that truth. That is what is important to me. So maybe that's why this little journey was important for me to share with you.
All right, I will be back. Have a great week. Bye.