The Mom Spiral Podcast

13| PIVOTAL SERIES |8| Your Spiral

February 04, 2023 Jen Deck Season 2 Episode 9

Part 8| Your Spiral

Listen in as I shine a light on all the places your nervous system shows up in your life and parenting. I'll explain how this is the root cause to everything...which means anything else you're doing is just a band-aid.

If you like a good a-ha moment, I've got plenty! Different perspectives. New concepts. Validation for how you feel and why. 

It will change how you see everything and just the awareness piece will shift so much in your life, right now.​

You don't need to know everything. Somatic work has to be included

Timing. Piece it together. My journey


The LAST + ONLY thing you need to know about parenting!
8 part audio series. Listen in as I shine a light on all the places your nervous system shows up in your life and parenting.

Post any questions you have here! I love real life situations to highlight the nervous system and help you find real solutions, not band-aids.


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If you’re thinking about joining me in The Mom Spiral, I wanted to say a few things to reassure you this is the best place. 

I just want to say in my heart I know why I’m the one to do this, but that it also blows my mind that I do feel I’m the only one saying all of this, in this way specifically to Moms or maybe the importance of us knowing this and no one making that loudly and powerfully clear. . 

I see people at the top of their fields that know way more than I’ll probably ever know.But that’s just it! You don’t need to know everything. You just need to know the basics. You just need to know your own body.

There seems to be so much talk about the nervous system, but it even took me searching for trauma healing, so I know that no mom out there is going to google overwhelm, stress, anxiety and the nervous system is going to pop as the definite answer. Or not directly, because they’re still pointing you to the band aids.

It took me 2 years trying and implementing different modalities and tools even before I got to the point where I knew what to do with all of it. And so that’s what I’ve done here. 

I’m very organized. I have to be. I thought it might’ve been somewhat part of my stuck nervous system, but I still can’t stand excess or function when there is clutter.  

So I was really intentional about how I pieced it all together. Remember you can’t have all the tools with, no toolbox. And I give you both. 

There are many parts of who I am that have made this come together the way it has. 

I take credit as a channel, a co-creator, a promoter for The Mom Spiral. 

I was the first student before it came together in a precise way with a name. And now it is my message to share. I know personally and deeply this is needed by every Mom who wants to thrive and do better for their child. 

I wore all the labels and felt all the things. So I believe I could know the difference when I found the answer. 

I don’t settle for a label or a diagnosis. My core knowing is truth. I’m not ok with boxes or rules or anything that keeps me or takes me away from my truth. I know I deserve it and I’m not ok with anyone or anything telling me differently. 

So with that I don’t give up. I follow the breadcrumbs or the symptoms to find the root cause and to me that’s truth. I want better and more and everything possible from this one life. And that has been a very lonely place because you could label me a dreamer or unrealistic, but that’s who I am and I’ll never stop trying to prove magic and miracles are possible if I offer you a new perspective. 

I also went through it all in the particular way I filter and absorb information. I research and go down rabbit holes to the depths of what I can find. And repeat consuming probably way more times than I need to. 

The most important and impactful piece that I feel is missing in any guidance related to the nervous system is that you have to approach your body. Somatic work has to be included. The work has to be integrated from and through your body. Not just in your mind. Unless you do this, you won’t get to the embodiment piece. 

Also because my mind works best when there is a clear and concise action plan. I don’t like fluff or anything extra. I do love a book. I love the a-ha moments and breakthroughs I always feel I get from them.  Or the openings they provide to want to dig deeper. What I don’t love is how that’s really all they are…these big concepts that are never broken down to simple steps that will at least bring you closer to it in your life. The how to or what to do is always missing. And you read 400 pages and really the big ideas could be broken down into 4 sentences. 

I told you I was worried about timing and so that was a big influence in how I set up my courses. 

Trust is a huge factor for me. I know buying courses online is definitely a gamble. Because I’ve done it. A lot. And most of them I would take back if I could. 

I have notes from every personal development, self help, spiritual, health, wellness, diet, chronic illness, holistic approach book out there and I have the lived experience of implementing so much.

What I do have is MY JOURNEY! And I will always share authentically and truthfully. 

​My spiral began at 19, when I got my thyroid removed. When I trusted and listened to doctors to take out the most important organ in my body. I have been my own health advocate ever since and my view of doctors and the conventional approach to health forever changed. 

I had to look somewhere else for help. I believed more in the people on the internet who had gone through what I had and were where I wanted to be and could show me the way. And those have been the people that have helped me heal and grow. 

Right before writing this, I found one of my binders that had my human design stuff, which if you don’t know is learning how to live aligned with your energy. Not all the ways you think and have conditioned to be. 

It’s so neat how it literally describes so much of what I’m doing here. I’m just going to share some. 

Your life’s work is to consistently exercise your mind. You have an extraordinary mental capability that involves grasping the underlying structural principles of any field you enter. 

You have the logical gift of being able to deduce what you see into patterns and systems, discerning what fits and what does not. Its purpose is to formulate a potential solution that carries us forward into a better and brighter future. 

You have a gift of knowing what needs to be corrected in any given scenario for it to improve. You have a knack for spotting where a weak point is and knowing what needs to be shifted to bring something to its optimal function. 

You know how to bring people or systems to its optimal vitality. You know what is in need of improvement and are driven to be of service in this way. 

You have the knowing and the ability to deliver something in a completely fresh way. 

You have the ability to bring anything to its maximum potential. Your energy naturally loves being in the continual process of building something. 

You are a very inspired person. You are in a constant state of awe about life, diving into its mysteries, wanting to connect the dots. With a very active and open mind, you are often in search of understanding and sharing what you know to be true.

It literally explains me so well and exactly what I feel I’m doing through The Mom Spiral. 

I wake up every day wanting to do better. Or reaching for the potential of my life that I want to feel and experience. I know there is more. 

I truly believe we all have so much potential. And when we realize that we just need to release and decondition from everything piled on us, which in part really comes down to our nervous systems. We can find our truth and live the fullest, most authentic lives for us! 

I'm genuinely interested in the nervous system. Or it’s that I’m so fascinated that it truly touches every part of who we are and who we can be. I know it is the root cause to so much and I also know how to heal and befriend it. I understand it. And I know I have the answers.

The nervous system just sounds academic, but in essence it’s who you are. It’s your body. And I’m so passionate about our beautiful bodies that protect our souls while we’re here. I’m on a whole other level of connection with my body and I will show you the way. It’s so unfortunate this isn’t what we learn before anything else. 

I know this is an investment. This investment will touch every part of your life. It will change the rest of your life. This is how you give your kids better and more for their lives. This is how you will feel good and enjoy this journey with them. 

You are investing in yourself through me. I am just a catalyst and container for information you need to make these changes. Your nervous system is the root cause to EVERYTHING. What you gain from this course will be invaluable.

My goal is to give you the knowledge and the steps. With anything I teach or with anything at all in life...everything is about finding out what is right for you. I wish it was as easy as do this exact thing, at this exact time and you will get this exact result. Nothing works like that. Nothing. If someone promises you is too good to be true or it's a band-aid! The best part is that when you know, you have the power.

As much as I love sharing and will forever be sharing what I do that delivers the real results. I want more than anything for you to know you will be empowered. 

You have all the answers and all the tools. God gave you them. 

I will explain it all so it makes sense. Then I will help you find your tools. Then you will have the foundation, and you’ll be able to make the best decisions for yourself. 

I am a Mom and I know what you’re going through. I actually feel like I might know more just because I feel more. In the beginning I thought I was alone. Like maybe the only one. When I’d talk to other moms I just never felt like I was where they were or it was just so surface level that they made it seem that way. I definitely felt I wasn’t as capable or it was easier for them. 

I do consider myself an empath, but not as a label. I do believe my nervous system is more sensitive than others and because of the way I was wired as a baby, I became an empath. I hold and can feel others' energy very easily. But I consider it now as a gift of mine. And only because I learned to care for myself better that I can now finally honor and celebrate this part of me. 

I also have 2 daughters and a husband, that show me every day, in many ways, so many things about our nervous system. In me and in them and in us. I don’t know if it’s because it’s what I do or if it is just the awareness, but I have so many real life notes now. 

I’m going to invite you to join me in The Mom Spiral. Because otherwise I believe you won’t get to where you want to be. Not fully. And that’s where you deserve to be. We do it all and we deserve to enjoy it all. 

I know this will transform you! And I will make sure you receive as much as you can to experience true change. This will NOT be just another band-aid.